Press Release: Los Angeles Gardens, CASA Development, and Mariposa Manor – Better Buildings Challenge
Congratulations to California Commercial Investment (CCI) Group for taking the Challenge!
We are proud to have enrolled three of the California Commercial Investment (CCI) Group’s building portfolio into LABBC’s Affordable Housing Initiative (AHI). The addition of Los Angeles Gardens, CASA Development, and Mariposa Manor bring a total of 18 buildings to the program. CCI is interested in implementing energy and water efficiency projects across their units, as well as participation in the LABBC’s Tenant Engagement Platform (TEP).
New Partner Buildings: Los Angeles Gardens, CASA Development, and Mariposa Manor
The City of Los Angeles has set a goal to achieve 20% energy and water savings by 2020 across 30 million square feet of existing buildings as part of the Better Buildings Challenge, a national leadership initiative from the Department of Energy, which calls on public and private sector leaders to demonstrate the benefits of modernizing America’s existing buildings.