Property Case Studies
1710 on the BLVD
Thousand Oaks, CA
Background A familiar area of Thousand Oaks’ proposed downtown corridor this is a 5.13-acre site that was the first mixed-use development ever approved in the City of Thousand Oaks. The project is a result of the Thousand Oaks Boulevard Specific Plan, created in 2011, and crafted over a five-year process. The project sits on the […]
Arthur McCants Manor
Las Vegas, NV
This property was built as a Project Based Section 8 202 in 1980. It was originally developed by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to house minority low income elderly and disabled people of Las Vegas. The project had been owned by the NAACP until we purchased it in 2004.
Fickett Towers
Van Nuys, CA
This property was purchased in 2012 from a local faith based non-profit in Los Angeles. The seller was a one-off HUD owner and wanted to get out of the real estate business. The building had been damaged during the Northridge earthquake and was fixed with the help of a HUD HELP loan.
Lompoc Mini-Storage
Lompoc, CA
After Lehman Brothers collapsed during the Great Recession, in 2010 CCI was able to partner with a local developer in order to take over Lehman’s position in a proposed mini-storage development in Lompoc, CA. After years of stalls due to the City approval process as well as the tentative construction market, the land was entitled […]
Park Tower
Spokane, WA
In April of 2014, CCI acquired a 185 unit project based Section 8 tower in downtown Spokane, Washington (10% market rate units) via HUD’s 223(f) loan program. At the time of purchase, the property was subject to a 236 mortgage, which was prepaid, as well as City and State HOME loans, both of which were assumed at […]
The Livelle
Calabasas, CA
Background: California Commercial Investment Companies and Life Care Services, two well-known companies in their respective fields, have collaborated to bring forth The Livelle—a groundbreaking senior living community in Woodland Hills, California. The name “Livelle,” carefully crafted from “live” and “well,” reflects the development’s core mission of promoting vibrant living and wellness among its residents. Backed […]
Trent Center East & West
Trenton, NJ
A campus located in Trenton, New Jersey, Trent East (228 units) and Trent West (246 units) are two high rise apartment buildings reserved for elderly residents. A CCI affiliate purchased both buildings in December of 2014 so that it could immediately move forward with 4% bond transactions comprised of approximately 17 million of hard cost […]